Upper Cervical Chiropractor Hendersonville North Carolina

Are You a Victim of Migraines? A Natural Solution Is Available

Migraine, Migraines, Headache, Headaches, Head Pain, Migraine Headaches, Migraine Relief, Headache Relief, Tension Headache, Tension Headaches, Migraine Headaches, Migraine Headaches ReliefMigraines are a neurological condition that are usually accompanied by intense throbbing pain in the head. This pain usually begins in the forehead, the side of the head, or around the eyes and gradually worsens. Any type of movement, loud noises, or bright lights can make it much worse. Nausea and vomiting are often present, as well. Migraines can happen once or twice a year or as often as every day. Women are three times more likely than men to get migraines. Migraines are the third-most prevalent an

d sixth-most disabling disease globally.

Different Types of Migraines

There are two types of migraines called classic and common:

What Is It Like to Have Migraines?

Migraines are very intense and can cause you to miss out on daily activities, such as family life, social events, and work. Everyone experiences migraines differently. Some may know several hours or a day before they get a migraine that one is about to come on. Indicators may be intense energy, food cravings, thirst, moodiness, and tiredness. Possible migraine symptoms include:

To learn more about the connection between migraines, chronic headaches and head and neck injuries download our complimentary headache e-book by clicking the image below.

Why Do Some People Get Migraines and Others Do Not?

Some common migraine risk factors are:

Triggers for Migraines

Triggers are things that may cause you to have a migraine. They can include the following:

Caring for Migraines

Traditional care for migraines involves two types of medication. One is abortive and works to stop migraines before they become too severe. This is taken as soon as you feel a migraine coming on. The other type is called preventative and is taken on a daily basis to cut back on the number of migraines.

There is another option available that has been proven to be effective. It is that of upper cervical chiropractic care. In a study, 101 migraine patients were observed and found to have a misalignment in the bones of their upper cervical spine. Interestingly, the majority of these patients remembered having some type of trauma to their head or neck before the onset of their migraines. They were all given an adjustment to their neck, and 85 of them reported seeing their migraines go away entirely within 1 to 8 months. The remaining ones all showed major improvements in the severity and frequency of their migraines.

Here at The Apple Valley Clinic of Chiropractic in Hendersonville, North Carolina, we use a similar method to help our migraine patients. It is a gentle technique that does not require us to pop or crack the spine. Rather, it encourages the bones to move back into place more naturally, leading to a longer-lasting adjustment. This is often all that is needed to see an improvement in or a resolution of migraines.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Dallies call our Hendersonville office at 828-698-6677. or just click the button below.



if you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com

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