Upper Cervical Chiropractor Hendersonville North Carolina

Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms and Treatments

Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Always TiredAlthough chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is recognized by doctors as a chronic condition that can seriously impact a person’s life, there is still widespread uncertainty about what causes it.

Some clinicians think the condition is caused by stress, others think that it’s a result of a viral infection, and because of some of the shared symptoms, CFS is sometimes confused with fibromyalgia (which is characterized by muscular pain and stiffness).

The main symptom of CFS is extreme tiredness or fatigue that may become even worse after physical or mental activity but is also not relieved by rest. Such symptoms can be difficult to measure and therefore difficult to treat.

As such, the condition can be incredibly frustrating and debilitating for patients, affecting their day-to-day lives as well as their mental health. Being unable to rest and recharge can make life very difficult for patients who sometimes have to keep going despite their condition.  Most of us can just go to bed early or have a power nap if we are feeling tired and run down. That doesn’t work for patients with CFS.

To learn more about the connection between fibromyalgia and head and neck injuries download our complimentary fibromyalgia e-book by clicking the image below.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Upper Cervical Chiropractic

However, some patients do find that an upper cervical chiropractor can help, by focusing on the brainstem. The brainstem enables a person’s brain to communicate with their body, thereby working to ensure that the body functions properly.

Many people with CFS also have experienced an injury to their brainstem, which means the brain and body aren’t communicating properly, which could lead to problems with the body repairing itself and being able to reenergize.

By examining the upper two vertebrae in the neck (the C1 and C2 bones) an upper cervical chiropractor can check for any misalignments that may be inhibiting the brainstem’s function, and causing CFS. Putting these bones back in their correct position can therefore help the brainstem work properly and alleviate the symptoms of CFS.


To find an upper cervical specialist in your area go to www.upCspine.com or if you are in the Hendersonville North Carolina area simply click the button below.

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