If you suffer from migraines or headaches on a regular basis, then you are in the same company as 46% of the rest of the people throughout the world. The difficulty of migraines is that they are difficult to live with, and they are difficulty to diagnose and treat.
Finding the cause:
Experts within the scientific community have documented injuries to the brainstem as being one of the main causes of migraines. Those injuries occurs because of the following reasons:
- Insufficient flow of oxygen to the brain
- Improper flow of blood within the brain
- A misalignment in the upper cervical vertebrae can occur because of an instability in the upper neck
- A change in a person’s neurology and blood flow due to a misalignment in the upper cervical spine
To learn more about migraines, seizures, and walking problems, download our complimentary headache e-book by clicking the image below.
What can be done?
There are various natural remedies, as well as sedatives, that may offer a person a little relief from headaches and migraines. But there is only one way to find relief that lasts, and that is by getting to the underlying cause of the pain. That will mean not relying on medication, which only covers symptoms and comes with plenty of negative side effects, to get to the source of that pain.
Using specialized tools to examine a person’s upper neck vertebrae, an upper cervical chiropractor can determine if a headache or migraine sufferer has a misalignment in the top two vertebrae in their neck. If they do, their upper cervical chiropractor can use an X-ray to make adjustments that will realign their upper neck vertebrae in order to restore brain function, blood flow, and neurology.
Once a person’s upper neck is realigned, their body can begin to heal itself. Upper cervical chiropractic, according to research, is over 85% effective within a month of beginning care under an upper cervical chiropractor.
To find an upper cervical specialist in your area go to www.upCspine.com or if you are in the Hendersonville North Carolina area simply click the button below.