Post-Concussion Syndrome 
The online journal Radiology reported Brain images showed changes in the brains of post-concussion syndrome (PCS) sufferers in a study done on November 21, 2012.
Though, a person may not know they suffer from PCS, studies show that anywhere from 20 to 30% of all concussion sufferers also suffer from PCS. Though, there are a wide number of people who may suffer from it but not know it. That’s largely because of the misunderstanding of what defines a concussion.
According to the World Health Organization, It is a mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) that happens because of a traumatic event that causes a brief loss of consciousness and/or transient memory dysfunction or disorientation.
Symptoms of PCS
While current technology does not allow for neuroimaging to distinguish which people who suffered from concussions will develop post-concussion syndrome, there are symptoms a person can watch for. Those include:
- Headaches
- Difficulty concentrating
- Memory problems.
In a statement by Yulin Gee, M.D., associate professor, Department of Radiology at the NYU School of Medicine in New York City, he said:
“Conventional imaging with CT or MRI is pretty much normal in MTBI patients, even though some go on to develop symptoms, including severe cognitive problems. We want to try to better understand why and how these symptoms arise.”
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Looking forward to Healing
Next week, we’ll look at Dr. Gee’s research in more detail. But we’ll ruin the end for you now because we don’t want you to continue to live in pain one moment longer than you need to.
It is impossible to suffer a head injury and not suffer a neck injury as well. The head bone is connected to the neck bone so to speak. And when the upper neck is misaligned due to injuries that can cause concussions, the misalignment in the upper neck may be the reason for the lingering concussion symptoms. This is due to are more thorough understanding of how the brain functions when the upper neck is misaligned. Recent research is showing that misalignments in the upper neck can lead to blood and cerebrospinal fluid flow changes to the brain. These changes can result in the brain not being able to adequately get rid of toxins that can accumulate in the brain. Correcting this upper neck misalignment may provide the key in the brain finally healing from a concussion.
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