The prevalence of something called medication overuse or rebound headaches is becoming very pronounced. Medication may help relieve your pain temporarily, but can cause you to have a more severe headache in a few hours or the next day, even resulting in migraine headaches more often.
How Common Are Medication Overuse Headaches?
It is so common in the UK that the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence mentions it first among their guidelines for treating headaches. They mention that these headaches feel similar to regular headaches, so it is hard to tell when you have them. Other countries report that 1-2%, possibly up to 5%, of people are being affected. Even the World Health Organization states that painkillers are causing people with headaches to suffer even more than necessary.
To learn more about the connection between migraines, chronic headaches and head and neck injuries download our complimentary headache e-book by clicking the image below.
Professor Martin Underwood speaks of these headaches being like a vicious cycle. Taking medication to treat a headache that results in another headache and more medication that causes your next headache to be even worse is definitely a cycle worth breaking. It is relatively easy to prevent.
How to Make It Stop
The first step is to stop taking medication too often to treat your headaches. More than 2 times a week or over 10 days a month is too much. What can be done for the pain of headaches? A natural treatment method is to seek the help of an upper cervical chiropractor, such as Dr. Henri Dallies of Hendersonville, North Carolina. Dr. Dallies will use gentle and effective techniques to be sure a person’s upper neck is in alignment. Often a misalignment is the cause of headaches and migraines. Once things are back in alignment, the body will begin to communicate better, and healing will take place. This may bring much-needed relief to headache sufferers.
To find an upper cervical specialist in your area go to or if you are in the Hendersonville North Carolina area simply click the button below.